Suzanne Baumann
P.O. Box 12096 | Hamtramck, MI 48212 |
Email |
1995 - Present
- Create, produce, and distribute minicomics and related merchandise
- Involved with every step of the process from conception to distribution
- Design and maintain website
- Make regular appearances at events across North America
- Exhibit original art regionally
2006 - Present | Hamtramck, Michigan
- Founding member of an active nonprofit community arts organization
- Set agenda and provide direction for monthly board meetings
- Maintain web presence (email newsletter, blog)
- Assist at monthly gallery openings
- Design and produce posters, brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials
- Assist in rehabilitation and preservation of vernacular art construction Hamtramck Disneyland (D. Szylak, 1920-2015)
- Coordinate and staff events, gallery exhibits, performances and retail venues
- Worked to acquire and rehabilitate neglected building for reuse as an art center
Selected Exhibitions
- 2014 Demented Detroit: Contemporary Cartoons and Comics from the Motor City, Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, MI
- 2013 Panels in Pink, Wild Goose Creative, Columbus, OH
- 2012 Hatch Member Show, Hatch Gallery, Hamtramck. MI
- 2012 Hot/Cold, Headspace Gallery, Dearborn, MI
- 2010 Graphic Stories Project, Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn, MI
- 2009 Michigan Comics: Mirth, Mockery and Mayhem From the Tri-Coastal State, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
- 2008 The American Comic Book: A Detroit Perspective, Creative Arts Center in Pontiac, MI
- 2008 WSG/ Imagined Flyers for Fake Gigs (Curator) Cafe 1923, Hamtramck, MI
- 2008 The Art of Dr. Sketchy Detroit, Cafe 1923, Hamtramck, MI
- 2007 Exquisite Corpse, Cafe 1923, Hamtramck MI
- 2006 Leapin' Lizards!, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
- 2004 From Wham!tramck to Yipes!ilanti, Padzieski Gallery, Dearborn, MI
- 1995 Action! Comics, Animation and Contemporary Art, Art Center of Battle Creek, Battle Creek, MI
- 1995 Beyond Bunnies (solo show), Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
- 2021 - A is for Ambroseburg (with Michael Wells), in progress
Solo Series
- 2013 - Sucker Street (graphic novel series), in progress
- 2005 - present Ball Point (sketchbook series), 14 issues to date
- 2003 - present As Eavesdropped (minicomic series), 4 issues to date
- 1997 - 2006 Free! For Ye! (minicomic series), 8 issues total
Solo Singular
- 2004 48 Hours of Pure Entertainment
- 2002 Serious Workout
- 2001 Cleopatra's Hats
- 1998 The Moldy Bagels
- 1996 Custard King
- 1996 Chris Leif (2 issues total)
- 1996 Spime
- 1995 Baumann's Marginalia
- 1995 Damned Bunnies
- 1995 The Rajiv Coffee Table Book
Selected Anthologies
- Beautiful Symmetry, Scott Mills, ed., 2020
- Not My Small Diary, Vol. 17, Delaine Derry Green, ed., 2012
- Turtleneck Boy series (Editor) 1999-2011
- Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet Vol. 21, Grant and Link, eds., Small Beer Press, 2007
- I Keee You!! A Collection of Overheards, Benn Ray, ed., Atomic Book Co., 2006
- The Furnace, Kelli Kavanaugh, ed., 2004
- Hamtramck Citizen (monthly feature) 2003
- Action Girl, Vol. 7, Sarah Dyer, ed., 1997
Selected Press
- Petelka, Leijah: “5 Local Comic Artists to Check Out”, Current Magazine, April 30, 2020
- Mott, Nicholas: "The World of Eco-Comics", nationalgeographic.com, September 28, 2012
- Mitchell, Brian J.: "Indie Comic Creator Interview with Suzanne Baumann", QRD #56, silbermedia.com, July, 2012
- Norris, Kyle: "Improvising Artists Drawn To Comic Jam" NPR Morning Edition, February 22, 2011
- Corby, Bob: "Exhibitor: Suzanne Baumann" spaceguy13.blogspot.com, March 30, 2010
- DaRonco, Mike: "Underground Triple-Threat" Metro Times, May 14, 2003
- Bliss, Pam: "Suzanne's Stuff" sequentialtart.com, 2001
- Billy Ireland Cartoon Library, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Mansfield Library, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
- Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
- Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, MI
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Schulz Library at The Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, Vermont
- Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, PA
- Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University, Durham, NC
- Denver Zine Library, Denver, CO
- Toronto Zine Library, Toronto, ON, Canada
Honors, Appearances, and Activities
- SPACE Prize (Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo, Lifetime Achievement Award, 2022
- Second Place, SPACE Prize, 2015, webcomic category
- Brain Frame (live performance of As Eavesdropped), Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, October 18, 2013
- Third Place, SPACE Prize, 2012, minicomic/short story category
- Cast Member, Script Consultant and Costume Design, The Amazing Cynicalman,
No Fun Films, 2011
- Panelist, "Women in Comics" (Friends of Lulu) - SPX, Bethesda, MD, October 2, 2004; again in SPACE, Columbus, OH April 16, 2005
- Featured Guest, Stumptown Comics Fest, Portland, OR, 2004
- Judge, Ignatz Awards (Small Press Expo festival prize), Bethesda, MD, 2002
- Panelist, "Independent/Underground Comics" Underground Publishing Conference, Bowling Green, OH, 2000
Bachelor of Arts, Kalamazoo College
1995 | Kalamazoo, Michigan
Major: Studio Art
| Minor: English
| GPA in Major: 4.0